Call today
(502) 905-7339
10620 Meeting Street, Suite 101 Prospect, KY 40059
Competitive hourly rates
Flat fees on many cases

Oldham County resident
Office conveniently located in the
Norton Commons town center in
Prospect, Kentucky
Offering free consultations

When this .....

Becomes this ....
Be sure to visit Jason Dattilo's blog where topics specific to divorce in Kentucky, including cases in Jefferson County and Oldham County, are discussed in more detail.
In Kentucky, it only takes one spouse to want out of a marriage. If you've recently been told your spouse wants out, or you have made the decision to seek a divorce, the time to contact an experienced attorney is now. Jason can diligently and compassionately guide you through the divorce process from uncontested matters to hotly-contested cases litigated in trial and appellate courts. Call Jason today, (502) 905-7339.
What can I expect?
A Divorce Petition is filed in court.
The other spouse is served with the lawsuit.
Financial information is gathered. Disclosures are made. At the same time, the court will address any pressing temporary issues.
Discovery of additional information can be made.
A settlement conference or mediation session can occur.
If no agreement is reached, the case will be decided by a judge.